About Us

We are an independant travel site providing information about Phang Nga province in Thailand. We do not directly sell any products or services and aim to keep the information we provide free and impartial. We do provide links to service providers for holiday products. We have actively searched for the best deals and genuinely believe the service providers we recommend are some of the best available on the web.

There are many other information websites about Phang Nga. Many of them are very good sites but many of them have direct links with hotels or other businesses on the island and therefore they do not always provide balanced information.

This site is funded by google and other adverts. We do not control the google adverts. We only take private adverts for services we believe to be reliable.

This site receives 5,000 visitors a month.


If you are interested in advertising on this site please contact us to discuss your requirements.


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This site is hosted by Hostgator. Their service has so far proved excellent and we are therefore happy to recommend them. If you are looking for a web host then click their banner and take a look.



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